About Me

Ola! I’m Haley.

I’ve been visiting Portugal since 2012 and have explored this coastal gem from top to bottom. From the sunset views in Porto, the buzzing streets in Lisbon to the azure waters of the Algarve and everywhere in between.

My first ladies’ trip to Portugal was with my older sister in 2012. While the bickering was inevitable (as siblings do), it truly was a life-changing 2 weeks for our relationship.

Even though the constant calls of the hawkers parked in front of all the tourist restaurants scared us as baby travellers (not a big deal now), we braved the beautiful cobbled streets of Lisbon and made some awesome, sometimes hilarious, memories. Many of which had to do with hole-in-the-wall Port bars and seafood joints in the historic Chiado district.

Fast forward almost 10 years, and many mini trips later (solo and otherwise), my now surfer husband and I took an epic 1 month Portugal road trip from the north to the south of the country. This is the trip that changed it all, and eventually led us to call Portugal our favourite place in Europe.

Whether you are a first-time solo female traveller needing advice about safety, a mother-daughter looking for bonding time in a coastal town or a group of gals looking for a fun weekend in Lisbon, I’ve created this woman’s travel guide to Portugal as a one-stop-shop to help you plan your trip with ease.

Besides travelling around Portugal extensively over 10+ years, I’ve been to over 40 countries and many more individual trips and I’ve planned them all from start to finish. I know the common pitfalls of female travel but also how special it can be.

I’m an open book with my opinions and feedback and will give you my honest two cents.

  • I consider myself quite the foodie and do a ridiculous amount of research on cafes and restaurants, both authentic and trendy. In many cases, I will travel somewhere just for the food. And yes, I eat it allllll!!! Food tours are one of my favourite things to do when I first arrive in a city/country.
  • As a prior interior designer, I love aesthetic places. Whether it is scenic photo spots or beautifully tiled train stations, I make an effort to visit them.
  • Affordable boutique hotels are my jam. If this isn’t possible, I’ll book a cozy, centrally located hostel room with a private bathroom or apartment (depending on how long I’m staying). I’m not huge on all-inclusive experiences.
  • I think road trips are the best way to see a country. Second to that would be train travel.